I don't think I've mentioned the title of this project yet, I'm calling it "This Too Shall Pass." The sculptures are made of a sand/clay mixture and are meant to be temporary. It is a comment on how humanity has attempted to make lasting monuments to either achievements or values (as we can assume the virtue of fecundity was valued around the 2nd millenium BCE when the Venus of Willendorf was created.) But the truth is none of the monuments we build will last forever. Eventually everything will succumb to Nature's changes just as these sculptures must fall and be taken out by the tide.
However, I think it an interesting development in this project to note that Nature can't possibly keep up with us humans. Even her inevitable destruction is not given a chance. As you can see, the very next morning I returned to photograph the progress of erosion and was surprised to find that destruction had been aided by what appeared to be many tiny little feet.
Sometimes I fear for the future of art.