At the turn of the 13th Century, most of Europe's artisans was focused on building and decorating Cathedrals, so that is where I draw my next sculptural reference: from the grostesques of Notre Dame de Paris. Le Stryge is the name of this most recognizable of grotesques- I never knew some of them had names, and I also never knew the difference between a grotesque and a gargoyle (gargoyles serve the function of a drainage spout, a grotesque is simply ornament.) I got a lot of good comments at the beach while building it today- I don't know why but these ugly creatures that were meant to ward off evil spirits have an incredible allure about them.
and here is what happened to my last sculpture. It seems someone wanted the pieces to remain together, and somehow thought it necessary that Buddah have a hat out of a piece of broken pot. Strange what people do.