Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Project Update

Things are going well, almost too well! I have started a blacksmithing class at Pratt's Fine Art Center and I'm loving it! It's like glass, only more forgiving. So my Thursday evenings and Fridays will now be spent hammering the shit out of steel rod in order to make the armature for my mobile. My deposit has come through so now I have a little cash to start spending on blowtime! I hope to be back in front of the furnace by the end of the week to make the platters that will hang in the mobile. In the mean time I'll be working on small-scale models (pictures to come) to work out engeneering.
Last week I visited the site where my work will be installed. It's so exciting! The building is going up and I can actually envision the space where my artwork will hang. I talked with the operations manager there and asked how to get a hook installed that would be able to support 400lbs of glass and steel and he said he'd have it done!
Well thank you very much! I am so thrilled to actually meet someone who is not putting up any resistance. This is new, and a little frightening.
Well, so far we are still on schedule for end of June install, but something tells me it will not all go according to plan.
Nothing goes according to plan!
Stay in touch.

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