Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Art for Artists

How important it is to keep a nice a home! If I haven't been busy making art lately it's because I've been paining the walls "Waffle" and the trim a mahogany crimson. After the kitchen was painted two shades of green I sewed some curtains for the windows and am currently working on curtains for the living room.After Greg and I saw the documentary Herb and Dorthy we were moved to start buying the art that we admire. A year later I own my first oil painting by a fabulous Northwest painter, Linda Bean.I don't know why I never thought of it before, but I find it refreshing and inspirational to have other people's artwork around.
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2littlewings said...

wasn't that film awesome??!?! I loved it!

Unknown said...

Hmmmm. Waffle...

Serena said...

Your place looks fantastic!