Wednesday, January 28, 2009

night of crazed crafting!

I recently made some shortbread cookies, with marzipan and dark chocolate on top! And then I ate two pieces, and like Alice down the bunny chute, I entered a new world of manic sewing into the wee hours. I crafted yet another apron, this time to honor my friend who had made the wonderful udder design you see on the pocket. I am having such a great time with aprons for some reason! They are a quick and dirty way to accomplish a project in one sugar-influenced evening.
And, by the way, I recently stopped into a gallery that was showing a bunch of paintings that actually looked good! I was intrigued because paintings, especially anything being done today in painting, do not grab me. However these were awesome, I looked up the artist later and found this. enjoy!
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Unknown said...

i find this post so very amusing! i too have only just completed a sugar-induced-into-the-wee-hours-of-the-morning-craft-a-thon!!! you'd think we were related...? i made a lovely guitar strap for my friend's birthday (i will send pics!) after warm riccotta lemon cookies. mmmm....

Leanna said...

I love the aprons! Wonderful idea. You look so happy...