Sunday, June 7, 2009

Chicago or New York?

The first trip in the morning was to Little Italy for lunch (i say morning, because it was for us, but the clock said 2!)
i thought i would solve the question of 'who has the better pizza' once and for all by going to Lombardi's - the oldest pizza joint in the new world. I gotta say, New Yorkers got something to brag about, but it aint nothin like the love of deep dish.
Saw some more fiends at the Met. Mainly I was enamored with Pieter Claesz and William Claesz. Heda. Can you see why?
unfortunately the European paintings took the whole day to get through- that museum is huge!
Later on we visited Vol de Nuit, the Belgian Beer Bar that Monica suggested and now I need to know how she found out about this place, cause it was without a doubt the coolest place to drink.
You are not even 21 yet young lady!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

skillz. i has them